There are said to be four states of consciousness – To me, By me, Through me, As me. States means we move through them. It is not like stages of development where we complete one stage and move onto the next. It is more fluid than that. 95% of all people spend 98% of their time in the To me state. In this state we are living in the drama triangle and at the effect of other people, circumstances or the environment. The three roles of the drama triangle include the villain, victim and rescuer. By engaging in our relationships from these roles, it impacts our work, teams, health, vitality, stress levels, effectiveness and overall productivity. Living more consistently in By me (above the line) can open up a new world for ourselves, our health, families, and the work we do.

In this interactive course, we will explore the commitments, statements, behaviors and beliefs that keep us in the To me state of consciousness as well as how to more to By me to bring more balance and joy to our lives.


  • Communication
  • Conflict Management
  • Interpersonal Skills
  • Relationships


• Develop your skills to “catch”.
• Explore the above the line and below the line model
• Identify beliefs, statements and behaviors for above and below the line (drama triangle)
• Manage differences productively, while maintaining positive relationships

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3.5 Hours


In-Person / Online

Training Fee:

$228/per person

**Group pricing available for teams

Interested in bringing this training to your organization? Request it now for your team.