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Training Overview

In our modern jam-packed, fast-paced work environments, the pressure to remain constantly productive often leads to long periods of back-to-back meetings or looking at screens without even a lunch break. We’ve all been there. However, research and practical experience show that regular breaks are essential for maintaining high levels of productivity, creativity, and overall well-being. This training session is designed to highlight the importance of taking breaks and to provide participants with practical strategies and creative examples of incorporating effective breaks into daily routines. The learning, conversations, and activities will transform the way you view and utilize breaks, turning them from an overlooked aspect of the workday into a powerful tool for enhancing overall performance and well-being.

Get ready to get up, experiment, engage, and have some fun!

Learning Objectives

  • Understand the physiological and psychological benefits of taking regular breaks.
  • Recognize the signs of fatigue and decreased productivity that indicate the need for a break.
  • Identify different types of breaks and how they contribute to overall performance.
  • Implement personalized strategies for integrating breaks into their workday effectively.

Leadership Competencies

  • Self-Awareness
  • Self-Care
  • Decision-Making
  • Time Management
  • Leading by Example
  • Stress Management
  • Resilience


Your Trainer

Kyle Christensen

Kyle Christensen

Kyle Christensen, M.P.A., is an education, civic engagement, and non-profit professional, and has been developing and implementing programs that meet community needs for more than 24 years. He was recently the director of Colorado State University Douglas County Extension where he facilitated the development of Colorado’s first Juntos 4-H program site. Juntos 4-H helps LatinX families navigate post-secondary and career training opportunities. Kyle was also the director of the Family Leadership Training Institute (FLTI) of Colorado where he managed the Children, Youth, and Families at Risk (CYFAR) project at Colorado State University Extension. With FLTI, he provided leadership to the state-wide family leadership and civic education program and worked to define and develop FLTI’s capacity statewide.

He has worked with organizations such as Peace Corps (Moldova); NYU Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development; Centrul Educatia 2000+ (Romania); and the Council for Economic Education. Kyle has spent the last 15 years developing and sustaining young initiatives in Colorado and New York City. He was the manager of the Northern Colorado financial literacy initiative Make Change NoCo and he directed the start-up of the HSBC National Center for Economic and Financial Education in New York. Kyle is dedicated to helping people realize their potential, find their voice, and take action on the important issues facing our communities.

Kyle holds a B.A. in political science and speech communications from Hastings College and an M.P.A. in nonprofit development and management from
New York University’s Wagner School of Public Service. He is a Cornhusker from Gering, Nebraska.


July 26, 2024
11:30 am - 1:00 pm

Your Trainer

Kyle Christensen